Form on 2008.09 The Fame
Open your music, Open your mind
Let all the trouble dancing
Let all the emotions left after the dance
Just follow your feeling, Just dance!
打開音響 轟炸你的思緒
將一切煩惱舞動 將一切情緒拋在舞後
只要 跟個你的感覺 放肆地跳舞吧
每當聽到Just Dance時, 時間宛如停留在UK BAR裡, 這首歌不論在UK or TW, 只要節奏一出舞池便聞之瘋狂, 音樂無國界,音樂深植人心,Lady GaGa 更被英國指標BBC選為Sound of 2009!
About Lady GaGa
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