DYU Industrial Design 14th. 13,Dec,2009

Start form here, and that was three years ago...

Sun Moon lake,Taiwan. 05,Dec,2009



清平樂 Chin Pin lo B&B, 澀水. 05,Dec,2009

清平樂位於魚池鄉澀水社區,雖然以前常路過澀水,但這是小弟第一次造訪澀水社區,這次在竹炭工廠老闆的幫忙下,小弟在清平樂平凡了一夜,回到遠離塵囂的農村生活,有了這次造訪的不凡經驗,想必日後享受自然洗禮的地方又多了一地. 清平樂的千金主攻平面設計,我想清平樂的各種包裝,形象以及上圖必是出自她手.
抵達時已是傍晚,小弟喜歡夜晚的農村生活大於白晝,打破寧靜的鴨鳴聲,點綴黑夜的星斗,都是可遇不可求的平凡,在這待上一晚,可以讓腦袋乾淨不少. 到了白天才看清楚清平樂的面貌,後方的生態池蘊露出大自然最真實的景象,自然的生態是我們無權破壞,只有用心尊重才能體會自然,享受自然.

清平樂 website

WuLai, Taiwan. 03,Dec,2009

WuLai locates at the most south of Taipei county. Geographically, it's in between the most southwest primary ridge and the northwest inclined plane of the Snow Mountain and Chia-Li Mountain ranges.

It locates at the connection of Nan-Shih Stream and Toung-ho Stream. Hot spring is strong and the temperature is around 80-86 Celsius. Hot spring here has neither color nor odor and alkaline suitable for spa.